Referral Associates will be entitled to receive a commission when a lead submitted by a Referral Associate results in a referral fee paid to Referral150 by a Third Party Broker.
Rate Schedule
For commissions resulting from leads to Third Party Brokers the Referral Associate will receive 80% of the net amount received by Referral150.
There is a yearly cap of $2,000.00 that Referral150 is entitled to from any Referral Associate in any fiscal year (July 1st-June 30th).
If a referral results in commissions paid to Referral150 on any renewals the Referral Associate will receive 80% of that commission so long as the Associate is still licensed as a Referral Agent through Referral150.
If Referral150’s share of agent’s referral commissions reaches $3,000.00 during the state’s 2 year licensing period then Referral150 will pay the agent’s state renewal fee up to $100.00.